"Aaj Sajeya x Kithe Reh Gaya" is an enchanting wedding mashup that brings together the melodious voices of Goldie Sohel and Neeti Mohan. The song is performed by two talented sisters, Nivi and Ishanvi, also known as Laasya. This article explores the essence of the track and summarizes its content within 400 words.
The track "Aaj Sajeya x Kithe Reh Gaya" captures the magic of a wedding celebration and the emotions associated with it. The fusion of Goldie Sohel and Neeti Mohan's voices adds a mesmerizing touch to the song. It is a blend of two popular tracks, "Aaj Sajeya" originally sung by Goldie Sohel and "Kithe Reh Gaya" originally sung by Neeti Mohan.
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