Hailey Bieber speakers out " I'm DONE with Justin Bieber" in a new TikTok


Hailey Bieber, the wife of Canadian pop star Justin Bieber, has sparked rumors of trouble in their marriage after supposedly declaring on TikTok that she is "DONE with Justin Bieber." The 24-year-old model made the surprising statement in a recent video on the popular social media platform, leaving fans wondering about the state of their relationship.

In the TikTok video, which has since gone viral, Hailey lip-syncs to the audio of a scene from the movie The Toy Story. As the character says, "I'm done, I'm done, I'm so f***ing done," Hailey mouths the words, adding fuel to the speculation about her current feelings towards Justin.


The video quickly caught the attention of fans and media outlets, who began dissecting the possible meaning behind the statement. Many questioned if this was just a playful TikTok moment or if it indicated deeper issues within their marriage. Social media was ablaze with fans expressing concern and offering support to both Hailey and Justin.

However, it is important to note that the video might not be as alarming as it initially appears. While Hailey mouthed the words "I'm done," the audio itself was taken from a fictional movie scene and may not accurately reflect her emotions or intentions. It is not uncommon for TikTok users to lip-sync to popular audio clips from films, songs, or television shows just for entertainment purposes.


It is also worth mentioning that the couple has been open about the challenges they face in their relationship, particularly due to the scrutiny that comes with being in the public eye. Both Hailey and Justin have previously spoken about their efforts to navigate a healthy marriage while dealing with the pressures of fame. Just last month, Hailey addressed the issue in an interview with Elle, emphasizing the importance of communication and mutual support.

Given this context, it is possible that Hailey's TikTok video was simply an innocent moment of self-expression, rather than a genuine declaration of marital troubles.


However, without further clarification from Hailey or Justin themselves, it is difficult to conclusively determine the video's intent.

Fans will undoubtedly continue to speculate about the state of their relationship, as rumors and gossip are common in the world of celebrity marriages. For now, it is essential to approach the TikTok video with caution and avoid jumping to conclusions. Only time will tell if there is any validity to the speculations surrounding Hailey and Justin Bieber's marriage.

